vastu Feng Shui Geomancy Geobiology
  Significance of Colour

THE ENERGIES that govern us are numerous, and the relationship they share are rather complex, but they are certainly not lacking in colour.

The human body react to the entire light spectrum in a definite pattern – with individual organs, too, having affiliation to specific colour wavelengths.

There is also a specific pattern in the alignment of colours in the confines of a room or its impact on the human occupants in that space.

Interestingly, our research has proved that the harmful effects of external or internal BEM energy fields can also be harmonized by the use of appropriate colours.

Colour & Humans

Energy Axes in VIBGYOR

During our experiments on the human energy axes, we scanned the human body with the help of the Lecher Antenna, and FOUND FASCINATING RESULTS.

The radiations of the human energy fields through its four axes are not monochrome, but emit the seven basic colours of the light spectrum.

This spectrum is spread from head to feet in different band widths, and, interestingly, is found to reverse its directions for the frontal and dorsal energy fields. Further, the order of this spectrum for both frontal and dorsal sides reverse twice a day, with one set prevailing from sunrise to sunset, and the opposite from sunset to sunrise.

It is rare to find the ideal Colour radiation patterns in any human body, as several colours are found to be mixed at different band widths or even displaced away from the body.

This is an indication of a disturbance in the human energy fields and can be harmonized by various methods.

The human body’s instincts on using or liking specific colours is an attempt at redressing this imbalance. Our studies show that individual preferences for colours are an inherent and spontaneous desire to re-harmonies colours missing or shifted from our bodies energy fields.

Chromo-Diagnostic Chart

Individual organs of the body have their own relationship with colours.

There are numerous reports of various types of colour therapy employed in naturopathy, auriculotherapy (treatment of various ailments through the ears) and acupuncture.

While working together with doctors n France, we found a method of using a set of slides with coloured filters of very high purity index for identifying the colour wavelengths of different organs of the human body.

This chromo-diagnostic chart is used in various therapies for harmonizing a particular organ which is diseased or malfunctioning.

Colour & Chakras

The Hindu concept of physiology identifies various energy points or chakras in the human anatomy – which has a parallel in the Chinese system of meridians.

These chakras are believed to be the important nodes which influence the health of different parts or organs of the human body.

These chakras are like power houses. They are shaped like a vortex and radiate outward till about the distance of the aura. They oscillate clockwise and anti-clockwise rapidly, several times every second (like alternating current).

In the anti-clockwise rotation they expel negative energies from the body, and during the clockwise rotation, they absorb positive energies from the immediate environment.
Thus, when surrounded by negative energies, the chakras get clogged, because they have less positive energy to absorb, and an excess of negative energies to repel.

In our experiments, we linked the specific energy points or chakras of the subject to the Lecher Antenna using a copper wire. This helped us determine the wavelengths and colours of the various energy nodes in the human anatomy.
Colour & Buildings

Colour Zones In a Room

While testing the relationship of orientation and colours using the Lecher Antenna, we found the whole range of VIBGYOR colours between the quadrants East-South and West-North.

This spectrum of colour radiation follows the movement of the sun-from the periphery to the center of the East-South quadrant between sunrise and mid-day, and moving from the centre to the periphery of the West-North quadrant between mid-day and sunset.

This moving spectrum of light is an egg-shaped window of light – which hangs in the room between the ceiling and floor. Which could be the reason for the SW and NW quadrants of a building, to be related to the fire element.

Orientation of colours

How can the use of colours harmonies the affected colour spectrum in the human body and in buildings? This has been made possible with the study of the relationship between orientation and colours.

Our experiments on colour orientation revealed, for example, that placing a red colour in the North-West periphery of the house, instantly harmonises the red colour bands in the energy axes of the subject present in the house.

Thus other colours too have similar harmonizing effect on the body.

Colours as Harmonisers

Colours can also be used to counter at source the effects of the various BEM radiations existing in a given environment.

This is possible because all BEM radiations have characteristic colours.

Our study included the disturbing influences of thermic, magnetic and electrical energies on the human body. The characteristic colour of each of them was identified as well as their complimentary harmonizers.

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